Absolventi středního odborného vzdělávání na trhu práce – co zvyšuje jejich šanci na získání zaměstnání?

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Title in English Vocational education and training graduates in the labor market—What increases their chances of getting a job?


Year of publication 2020
Type Requested lectures
Description After completing vocational education and training (VET), graduates acquire a qualification for performing a particular and specific job. Therefore, a significant number of VET graduates enter employment. Nowadays, such graduates' career trajectories are becoming increasingly non-linear and unpredictable, causing young people to face greater demands and challenges when coping with the school-to-work transition. Besides, VET graduates are at a higher risk of unemployment in most developed countries because they have little professional work experience and lack the work habits required by employers. Like many other life transitions, the transition from school to the labor market is affected by several institutional, cultural, social, and economic circumstances and factors (such as the structure of the educational system, employment or unemployment rates, etc.), which represent the framework of the experience of an individual entering the labor market. However, the main answer we will look for is whether and in what characteristics the differences between employed and unemployed VET graduates are and which factors increase their chances of getting a job. Based on this knowledge, we believe that it would be possible to provide VET students with the necessary assistance and resources to enable them to cope successfully with the school-to-work transition, thereby preventing their unemployment.
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