Autonomous learning: project results - Students in the role of youtubers


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Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Description The phenomenon of youtubers has been gaining momentum since the 2010s. By connecting auditory and visual components, focusing on current topics and using everyday language, youtubers can play an important role in the foreign language learning in an online environment as mediators of their country's language knowledge, skills and culture. They thus become resource persons while having a horizontal and egalitarian approach which at the same time encourages exchange and sharing between Internet users. In our contribution, we will present the results of a didactic experiment aimed at collaborative autonomy that we carried out during the second semester of 2021/2022 with 62 students of Spanish, French and Russian in foreign language courses at the Faculty of Economics and Administration from Masaryk University in Brno. As our students are part of the target group of youtubers, we asked ourselves the question if/how/for what purposes students follow them and set the goal to further integrate the use of these video performances into their learning. The research was conducted quantitatively (questionnaires at the beginning and at the end of the semester) and qualitatively (analysis of the comments and self-reflections of the students), with a special focus on assessment and learner autonomy.

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