Inconsciente ideológico e inconsciencia de clase

Title in English Ideological Unconscious and Class Consciousness


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source IZQUIERDAS
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Lukács; Juan Carlos Rodríguez; Unconscious; Ideological Unconscious; Karel Kosík; Awakening
Description This article studies the notion of “unconsciousness” in Lukács’ History and Class Consciousness (1923) and that of “ideological unconscious” in Juan Carlos Rodriguez’ Theory and History of Ideological Production (1974). First, the theoretical origins of the concepts are presented - with a brief reflection on Lukács’ influence on the Heideggerian school, using Karel Kosík as a reference - and, secondly, the fundamental ideas of both thinkers in relation to the subject are synthesized. Finally, our paper explores the notion of “awakening”, present in both philosophers, as a form of resistance for emancipation. It is a comparative contrast study between two styles of thought, one of which (Lukács) is questioned by the other.
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