Technika nástěnných maleb Jana Jiřího Etgense v Rajhradu u Brna

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Title in English Technique of wall paintings by Jan Jiří Etgens in Rajhrad near Brno


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source UMENI-ART
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords ceiling painting; techniques; fresco; fresco-secco; Johann Georg Etgens; Rajhrad; 18th century painting; Andrea Pozzo; Perspectiva pictorum atque architectorum
Description The text presents the results of restoration, material and art-historical research of the wall paintings above the choir loft in the western part of the Church of SS. Peter and Paul in Rajhrad near Brno (The Concert of Angels, The Apotheose of St. Agatha and The Apotheose of St. Florian), created in 1726 by the painter and fresco artist Johann Georg Etgens (1691-1757). The research was mainly aimed at identifying the original technique of the work and the technological processes used. The elements of the work (plaster layers, engraved underpainting, pigments, the manner of painting) correspond to the printed instructions for mural painters in Andrea Pozzo's (1642-1709) treatise Perspectiva pictorum atque architectorum (1693-1700), which in this case is documented directly in Etgens' possession. The discovery of a rare sinopia which can almost certainly be attributed to Etgens, is unique.
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