Les dérivés du nom propre Trump dans la pressefrançaise (2020–2021) : une analyse comparative des néologismes

Title in English Derivatives of proper noun Trump in French press (2020-2021) : a comparative analysis of neologisms


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Verbum - analecta neolatina
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Odkaz na text článku
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.59533/Verb.2024.25.1.10
Keywords proper nouns; Donald Trump; neologisms; lexicology; French press; derivation
Attached files
Description Donald Trump is still attracting a great deal of media attention: even af-ter his term as president has ended, a large number of derivatives of his name are(re)appearing in the press. Three French daily newspapers were analysed to gain abetter understanding of their structure and significance:Le Monde, LibérationandLe Figaro. The studied corpus consists of a selection of articles published betweenMarch 2020 and February 2021 containing occurrences of derivatives of the propername Trump. These data, collected during the year in which the presidential electionand the assault on the Capitol took place, are used to compare the occurrences ofneologisms formed from the proper noun Trump in the three newspapers, and attest tothe semantic shifts in these new lexemes. They can therefore illustrate the underwaytrends and the mechanisms underlying all neologism creation.
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