Mapping Indo-European Anatomical Terminology I : Greek κόλον “large intestine”, Armenian k‘aɫird & k‘aɫirt‘ “cavity of the body”, Brittonic *kalonā “heart”, Tocharian B kele “navel; center”, and the Word Family “navel” – “nave”



Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Indo-European Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Plný text
Keywords anatomical terminology; abdominal cavity; heart; intestines; navel; Indo-European
Description This study analyzes the Greek word ????? “part of the large intestine” in terms of its documentation, word formation and internal and external etymology. It is promising to connect it with other anatomical terms designating various parts of viscera, namely Armenian k‘a?irt‘ & k‘a?ird “cavity of the body and its organs”, Celtic *kalon- “heart; middle, central” and Tocharian B kele “navel; center”. For the Greek, Armenian and Celtic forms there is a common semantic denominator consisting in the fact that the relevant organs resemble a “bag”.
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