Tzv. účinkové věty v barokní češtině

Title in English Resultative clauses in Baroque Czech


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source SPFFBU
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords diachronic syntax; resultative clauses; Baroque Czech language; historical development of Czech language
Description Resultative clauses are a part of different complex phrases: noun, adjective, adverbial and verbal. The event/ state of the resultative clause is presented as a result of the event/ state/ property of the noun/ circumstance implied in the matrix clause. Resultative clauses are dependent clauses usually anticipated by a deictic expression (tak, takový, tolik, natolik) or by an intensifying expression (dost, příliš, moc, málo) in the matrix clause; the resultative clauses therefore contain a more completive status. Resultative clauses are connected by the subjunctors that bring only general meaning: že = meaning of declarativeness, aby = meaning of unreality and directiveness , až = terminativeness. The meaning of clauses is more of a pragmatic status (interpretable by Grices conversational implicatures). In the Baroque Czech only the conjunction takže contains the resultativeness as an invariant feature of its meaning. This conjunction originated in the early stages of Czech by grammaticalisation of the demonstrative adverb tak and the conjunction že.
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