Step by step guide

  • Plan your departure

    See when the selection procedures for each programme take place. Generally, within Europe, applications are submitted a semester in advance, e.g. Erasmus+, CEEPUS, AKTION. If you want to go overseas, you need to apply a year in advance. For example, applications for Erasmus+ ICM, partner universities or even ISEP for the next academic year are due by 15 December.

    It, therefore, does not hurt to look at the deadlines at the beginning of your studies so that you can plan your mobility in advance.

  • Choose the right scholarship programme for your mobility

    Departments publish the possibilities of mobilities before Christmas (it concerns mobilities for the next academic year), so keep an eye on your department's website. In addition, the mobility news and permanent mobility offers on our website may be helpful. We also recommend monitoring the MU Centre for International Cooperation website.

    If you are missing specific information, you can contact your departmental coordinator or us at the International Relations Office.

  • Go through the selection procedure

    You can always find the conditions of the selection procedure for the programme concerned. You should not be surprised by the requirement for a CV and a motivation letter (in a foreign language). A letter of recommendation, study plan, language certificate (B2 level) and passport photo are also sometimes required. You can easily generate a transcript of records or confirmation of studies from the IS MU.

    Make sure you have a valid passport in advance. A copy is usually required in the application form for visa documents.

  • Enter your stay into IS

    The following applies to all international student mobilities: enter your stay into IS and once you have it confirmed by all parties, you will also put a pdf of your completed Learning Agreement.

  • Fill in the Learning Agreement

    The Learning Agreement is completed electronically via ISOIS MU. If you are going through Erasmus, you set up an LA for Erasmus, if you are going through another programme, you set up an LA for other programmes. It is also important to know whether the programme is administered at the faculty by the International Relations Office (e.g. interfaculty agreements, intergovernmental agreements, CEEPUS) or at the MU CIC (e.g. Freemover, Spec. grant for short-term mobility, partner universities).

    After confirmation from your side, the notification goes automatically to the person in charge at the department, and after approval to the selected person for the International Relations Office/CIC MU (depending on where the programme is administered) and lastly, the notification goes to the contact person you have indicated for the host university. After confirmation by all parties, you can download the Learning Agreement and upload it to IS.

  • Apply for a scholarship

    Once you have your placement entered into IS and a confirmed Learning Agreement uploaded, you can apply for a scholarship. This applies to programmes in which students receive a scholarship from MU, such as Interfaculty Agreements, Freemover or the Special Short-Term Mobility Grant. Erasmus is specific, so please refer to the Erasmus+ conditions.

    For some programmes (e.g. CEEPUS, AKTION, Intergovernmental Agreements) you do not apply for a scholarship, the procedure depends on the rules of each programme. For example, in CEEPUS the scholarship is awarded on the basis of a Letter of Award. More information can be found on the CEEPUS subpage.

  • Enjoy your stay

    You should already have a completed Learning Agreement and have your courses recognised by the person in charge before you leave. If you choose to take different courses at the foreign university than those in your approved LA, it is possible to modify your Learning Agreement and have it re-approved. Again, save the pdf to your IS folder (now as "Changes to LA").

    At the end of your stay, be sure to request a Transcript of Records and Confirmation of Study Period from the foreign university. Upload both documents to your residency file in IS.

  • When you return, close the process and have the courses recognized

    Upon your return, make sure that your residence file contains all the required documents: the Learning Agreement and any amendments, the Transcript of Records and the Confirmation of Study Period (a sample confirmation can be found on the CIC website) and apply for recognition of your stay. For selected programmes, a final report is also required.

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