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Senators elected in the autumn elections have finally taken up their posts. The head of the Senate will remain doc. Václav Štěpánek, the student chamber will be headed by Mgr. Ondřej Varaďa.
Almost half a year late due to the covid legislation, the senators elected in the autumn 2020 elections finally met on Monday 24 May 2021 for the constituent meeting of the new MU Faculty of Arts Academic Senate and started their work. The main task of the constituent session was to elect the individual bodies of the Academic Senate. The current chairman, doc. Václav Štěpánek remained in his office. The first vice-chairman and the chairman of the student chamber was elected Mgr. Ondřej Varaďa. The post of the second vice-chairman and chairman of the Chamber of Academic Staff was won by secret ballot by Dr. Stanislav Bárta.
The senators also filled positions in the senate committees dealing with economic, legislative or administrative aspects of the faculty's operation. The election committee will soon have a special mission in connection with the election of the dean, and the last senate committee is the conciliation committee. You can find out exactly what the various committees deal with and who you can contact with suggestions on the Senate website.
The detailed proceedings of the constituent session are captured in the minutes (in Czech only).
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The modern premises were created by reconstructing rooms in the basement of Building J, which formerly housed the faculty cafeteria Krmítko, and offer doctoral students quality facilities for their dissertation research. The construction and furnishing of the new rooms was funded by the MUNI4PhD project.