Help choose an owl to be adopted from the Brno Zoo
You can choose up to two favourites. Vote in IS until November 10 inclusive.
The collection of nominations will start in November, the election itself will take place in January. The Senate also recommended the latest conversions of degree programs for forwarding to the Science Board.
At its meeting on 14 June 2021, the Academic Senate of the MU Faculty of Arts recommended for discussion at the MU Faculty of Arts Scientific Board and the MU Internal Evaluation Board the last fields of study that have not yet been converted into study programmes according to the new accreditation. Specifically, these were the Bachelor's degree programme Swedish Language, Literature and Culture, the Master's degree programme Latin Language and Literature of the Middle Ages and the Doctoral programmes Classical Philology, Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Religious Studies.
The members of the Conciliation Committee inform and reassure the students of the University's position with regard to the sexual harassment issues that have stirred debate in recent days in connection with the Feri case. For background information on the issue and contacts, please visit the MU Student Advisory Centre page. However, you can also contact the Faculty Senate Conciliation Committee directly.
The Election Committee has published the schedule for the MU Faculty of Arts Dean election. The collection of sealed applications for candidacy in the FF MU SKAS mailbox at the mailroom will take place from 8-30 November 2021. The academic community will then hold debates with the candidates during December 2021. The first and possible second round of elections will take place in the first half of January 2022, with a possible third round of elections taking place a week later. The application for candidacy must include a written consent to stand for election, a lustration certificate (a declaration by the candidate that he/she fulfils the provisions of Section 2(1)(a-h) of Act No. 451/1991 Coll., laying down certain other requirements for the performance of certain functions in state bodies and organisations of the Czechoslovak Republic, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, as amended), the programme with which the candidate intends to stand for election, and a preliminary list of vice-deans.
The detailed course of the meeting of the Senate and its committees is recorded in the minutes (in Czech only).
You can choose up to two favourites. Vote in IS until November 10 inclusive.
The modern premises were created by reconstructing rooms in the basement of Building J, which formerly housed the faculty cafeteria Krmítko, and offer doctoral students quality facilities for their dissertation research. The construction and furnishing of the new rooms was funded by the MUNI4PhD project.