Germanic Languages

Doctoral degree in full-time or combined form. The language of instruction is Czech.

The programme can be studied only as a single subject.

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Admission to Doctoral degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)
Submission deadline until midnight 30 April 2025.

What will you learn?

The doctoral degree study programme in Germanic linguistics is designed as a culmination of the theoretical studies and practical training in order to enable the graduates to take part in individual research projects. General knowledge and skills in synchronic and diachronic linguistics acquired in the Master’s degree study programme are deepened and complemented with specialized disciplines with the main focus on the requirements of research work, including an appropriate format for presenting the results. The study is specialized and individualized to a high degree, with respect to the topics of the dissertation projects. At the same time, a general overview of methodological problems and methods in philology, their critical reflection and creative application, are developed as an integral part of the research-centred skills.

The Specialization Experimental and applied linguistics is focused on deepening knowledge and skills in the use of experimental methods and methods applying formal approaches to natural language (organized by several academic institutes with a linguistic focus: the Department of Czech Language, the Department of Linguistics and Baltic Languages, the Department of English and American Studies, the Department of Romance languages and literatures, the Department of German, Scandinavian and Netherland Studies). It is intended for those interested in linguistics, which emphasizes the observation of language data and its processing by mathematical methods and the theoretical problems associated with the application of formal methods to the natural language material. The aim of this specialization is to provide students with comprehensive skills and theoretical background in corpus linguistics and the use of statistical processing of linguistic data. The offered optional courses will enable the student to understand the different branches of applied linguistics.

The specialization Historical Languages of the Czech Lands is focused on a distinct field of expertise with a primarily historical orientation, it is oranized in cooperation of several deparments of the faculty (Department of Classical Studies, Department of Czech Language, Department of Czech Literature and Library Studies, Department of German, Scandinavian and Netherland Studies). The study is focused on Middle Ages with transitions to the early modern period, and is specified by the environment of the historical Czech lands of that period. Combining the topics, research traditions and methods of German, Bohemian and Latin historical filology allows the graduates to work competently with the historical texts of this provenance with regard to the multilingual cultural and social environment of this area. An important part of the study are the theoretical and practical skills of editorial philology, taking into account the specifics of the writing of the Czech lands.

Practical training

Practical training at external workplaces is not an obligatory part of the study plan. Active involvement of the students in teaching, researching, and organising tasks within the institute offers an opportunity to acquire further praxis-related skills in these areas.

Career opportunities

Graduates of the doctoral degree study programme in Germanic languages are equipped with the general knowledge and skills required for independent philological work. They are able to reflect and analyse individual language phenomena in synchronic and diachronic perspectives based on their comprehensive knowledge of relevant research history and current trends. They are able to apply their acquired competence in creative ways to solve individual tasks. Beyond the comprehensive overview of the whole study field, the graduates have specialized proficiency in the topics of their thesis projects. Based on these skills, they are qualified to work in positions in linguistic research or in the humanities in a broader sense, which demands independent and critical thinking as well as a cultivated presentation of gathered knowledge, in universities and research institutes, in translating, etc.

Admission requirements

Deadline for applications: January 1 - April 30

Deadline for delivery of documents for the admission procedure: May 15

Documents for the admission procedure:

  • signed CV;
  • list of publications;
  • dissertation project;
  • motivation letter.
  • All documents are to be inserted to the e-application ("Documents section"), deadline May 15. Applicants are requested to include their full name and application number in all attached documents.

    The entrance exam will be an interview on the dissertation project.

    Notice that proof of completion of the master's study (officially certified copy of the diploma, in the case of education, obtained abroad also the so-called nostrification) shall be submitted by the accepted applicants when enrolling in the study. It is not required to prove the completion of a master's degree at the interview.

Criteria for evaluation

The applicants can obtain a maximum of 100 points. The minimum number of points for passing the exam is 75. The applicants are assessed in the following areas:

  • dissertation project (max. 50 points);
  • motivation letter (max. 30 points);
  • methodology (max. 20 points).
Maximum number of accepted applicants (autumn/spring semester): 3/3.


1 Jan – 30 Apr 2025

Submit your application during this period

Submit an application

Study information

Provided by Faculty of Arts
Type of studies Doctoral
Mode full-time Yes
combined Yes
distance No
Study options single-subject studies Yes
single-subject studies with specialization No
major/minor studies No
Standard length of studies 4 years
Language of instruction Czech
Doctoral board and doctoral committees

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