Information seminar on cooperation with French universities in social sciences, humanities, law and economics

Faculty of Arts, MU, Arna Nováka 1, Bâtiment/Building B2, salle/room B2.13

January 26th 2023, 4-6pm

16 Jan 2023

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Are you interested in knowing more about Czech-French cooperation in higher education and research in social sciences, humanities, law and economics and learn about cooperation opportunities? This session is mainly targeting academic and administrative staff. PhD students may be interested to join the “research cooperation” sequence.


  • Mateusz Chmurski, director of the French research center for social sciences and the humanities (CEFRES, Prague)
  • Véronique Debord-Lazaro, science attaché, Embassy of France
  • Chloë Rébéna, Head of the Campus France office, Embassy of France


  • Promoting academic cooperation between the Czech Republic and France – the French stakeholders in the Czech Republic
  • Academic cooperation and student mobility
    • French higher education and international students – Organization of the French system, Studying in English, Welcoming international students
    • Overview of Czech-French cooperation in education – Student mobility, double degrees, European University Alliances
    • Support activities at the French Embassy
  • Cooperation in research
    • French research in social sciences and the humanities, economics and law – main features
    • The French Center in social sciences and the humanities (CEFRES) in Prague
    • Supporting tools to promote Czech-French cooperation in research
  • Agenda 2023
  • Discussion

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