Summer at the faculty was marked by renovations and relocations

In order to rationalise the use of faculty premises, some offices of dean's offices or even entire academic departments were moved during the summer months. An overview of the most important changes can be found below.

5 Sep 2024

  • The payroll office has physically returned to the Personnel Office but in room C.208 (2nd floor, left, former office of the Vice-Deans).
  • The manager of pedagogical praxis Mgr. Jana Formanová and quality coordinator Mgr. Kateřina Kalová, Ph.D., are now located in office C.227 (2nd floor right, former payroll office).
  • Faculty lawyer Mgr. Lenka Sobotková got a separate office in the B2 building on the 2nd floor, namely B2.207.
  • The office of these three employees, C.119, was acquired by the Office for Studies and will now house the Lifelong Learning Officers Hana Holmanová and Bc. Marcela Škrabalová, DiS.
  • The Department of Aesthetics, and the HUME Lab and the Laboratory for Experimental Research on Religion (LEVYNA) will completely exchanged places during September; the aesthetic department will now be located in Building K on the 2nd floor at the end of the corridor, and the two latter departments will be newly located in Building C on the 3rd floor after the completion of the building modifications.
  • The former Krmítko on the ground floor of Building J has been converted into a shared workroom for PhD students.
  • The Department of Information and Library Studies has acquired additional space in Building L.
  • The Department of Philosophy created a teaching room instead of room A.110.

We ask everyone to please be patient with updating the orientation signs, which do not yet reflect these changes. We are currently in the process of tendering for a contractor to make the necessary changes throughout the campus. This should take place during the fall.

In addition to the move, renovations to the restroom facilities in the Central Library building were underway throughout the summer and the faculty air raid shelter received new wiring. This will allow regular tours of the recently constructed exhibit to begin there in the fall and, prospectively, field trips and educational programs for high schools. The classrooms in Building B2 have also undergone a major change, in which audiovisual equipment and teacher computers were added and partially replaced.

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