Win a CEFRES Platform award for a published scientific article

24 May 2023

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Award for Best Article (published in English or in French) in Social Sciences and Humanities

  • Deadline for applications: May 29, 2023, 23:59 CET
  • Prize Amount: 10.000 CZK
  • Official Award Ceremony: June 22, 2023
  • Language of application: English

This award is organized by the French Embassy in the Czech Republic, CEFRES and its Platform.

Born from the desire to support young researchers from the Czech Republic who endeavour to embed their research within the European and international networks, this initiative from the CEFRES Platform aims to award an article in social sciences and humanities published in a high-level peer-reviewed academic journal.

Since 2014, CEFRES Platform gathers the French Research Center in Social Sciences in Prague, the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Prague.

Young researchers from all disciplines in social sciences and humanities from the Czech Republic may apply to the CEFRES Platform special award, whatever the topic of their research may be.

Eligibility Criteria

  • to be a Czech or Slovak PhD student or doctor who defended the PhD thesis at the earliest in 2013 in a university of the Czech Republic (so-called “cotutelle” PhDs are eligible)
  • to submit to the award competition an article in English or in French published in a peer-reviewed academic journal recognized by such databases as Web of Science, Scopus, or by the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH plus)
  • to have published the afore mentioned article between 2018 and 2023 (articles accepted for publication will be excluded, the award being renewed yearly)

Application Package

Applications must be sent directly by young researchers themselves to the following address:

The following information completed:

  • Name and Surname
  • Date and place of birth
  • Personal email
  • Personal phone number
  • Personal address
  • Professional email
  • Professional address
  • Subject of Thesis
  • Date of (past or forthcoming) defence
  • Year and Faculty of registration
  • PhD supervisor(s)
  • Discipline(s)

The application should also include:

  • An academic curriculum vitae, including a list of publications
  • An off-print of the submitted article for the Prize, including a summary. NB: only one article will be considered; applications including two articles will be excluded
  • Full bibliographic references. A specification of which database mentions the journal (Web of Science, Scopus, or ERIH plus)

It is possible to submit a paper written by more than one person, provided that each co-author meets the eligibility requirements.

Should a co-written article be declared winner, the prize will be awarded to the candidate who submitted the application, to be distributed among the co-authors.

An interdisciplinary jury presided over by the director of CEFRES and representatives from the CEFRES Platform will select the laureate.

The award will be given at the French Embassy in the Czech Republic during an official ceremony on June 22nd, 2023.

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