Interreg Austria - Czechia (2021-2027)

8 Aug 2022 Monika Kellnerová INTERREG

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The program supports cooperation between Austria and the Czech Republic (Programme Area). The program focuses on four priority axes:

Priority 1 – Research and Innovation

Priority 2 – Climate and Environment

Priority 3 – Education, Culture, and Tourism

Priority 4 – Cross-border Governance

Each priority is divided into specific objectives.

Only projects whose activities impact the program area will be supported.

The project must involve partners from Austria and the Czech Republic. The list of eligible applicants is further specified in the program's call for proposals.

The project proposal shall be submitted in Czech and German.


The call for project proposals is expected to be launched in autumn 2022.


Changes compared to the previous program Interreg Austria – Czech republic 2014-2020


- New program name: Interreg VI-A Austria - Czech Republic 2021-2027

- Instead of the original EMS, the new platform Jems (Joint electronic monitoring system) is the electronic system for project proposal submission.

- The maximum co-financing rate from the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) is 80%.

- The reporting of eligible expenditure is possible in two ways: based on expenditure incurred and paid or so-called simplified reporting of expenditure (e.g. unit costs, flat rates and lump sum). The method of reporting expenditure varies by category.



More information about the new programming period can be found here on the program's official website.

We will inform you about the announcement of individual calls for project proposals through our departmental newsletters.

Contact R&D

Mgr. Monika Kellnerová

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