A Latin translation of The Bouquet has been introduced
A Latin translation of a famous Czech poems collection by Karel Jaromír Erben "The Bouquet" has been finally published as a book, 30 years after its composition.
New Hume Lab at Faculty of Arts allows experts to use experimental methods in the humanities.
The project involved the demolition of the unsuitable B2 building and thorough remodeling of the A pavilion.
In addition to Scandinavian studies student Kristina Hrubá occupies herself with baking and photography.
Enthusiasts and volunteers have been working on the encyclopaedia of the history of Brno for almost eleven years.
Interview with archaeologist Jiří Macháček.
Martina Pavlicová was assessing applications from 31 states.
The tomb of the Great Moravian warrior has presented archaeologists with a number of unexpected mysteries.
If every student in Czech Republic were to write one article, Czech Wikipedia would almost triple.