Od Wůdce Šottského Wogska k Štěstěně, která se zubila: stručné dějiny českého překládání Macbetha

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Title in English From the General of the Scottish Army to Fortune, the Rebels' Whore: a brief history of Czech translations of Macbeth


Year of publication 2012
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description A lecture on Czech Macbeths on the backdrop of the history of Czech translations of Shakespeare, from the German adaptation by Franz Joseph Fischer, through the 1782 Czech prose reworking of Jindřichův Hradec, Karel Hynek Thám's translation, the theatre and book versions of Josef Jiří Kolár, the reactions to Josef Václav Sládek's rendering, the translation of Otokar Fischer, its original reworking by Václav Renč, to an analysis of Milan Lukeš's translation.
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