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Its significant advantage is also the ability to preserve the formatting of the source file. However, there is a charge for this service, so use it wisely, as directed by your department heads.
As part of the Employee Portal, a new integrated translator service DeepL has been launched for the Faculty of Arts, which allows the translation of entire files (even of large size) while preserving the original formatting. We believe that this service can be helpful for academic staff in their research and teaching activities and can help non-academic staff to better fulfill the principle of bilingual communication.
A minor but significant catch is that this service is chargeable, and the cost of your translations will be charged to your department. However, these are not exorbitant sums. To give you an idea:
Nevertheless, as instructed by your department heads, we ask you to use the service cautiously. To translate text up to 5,000 characters, you can use the online translator (or desktop application) DeepL free of charge. Therefore, the translator in the Portal only makes sense if it is necessary or very useful for you to preserve the formatting of the entire document and/or if you need to translate more extensive texts.
At the same time, make sure that you select the correct department in the drop-down box to be charged for the translation unless you fall under only one department organizationally.
You can choose up to two favourites. Vote in IS until November 10 inclusive.
The modern premises were created by reconstructing rooms in the basement of Building J, which formerly housed the faculty cafeteria Krmítko, and offer doctoral students quality facilities for their dissertation research. The construction and furnishing of the new rooms was funded by the MUNI4PhD project.