Research support programme

Grant Agency of Masaryk University - Research Support Programme

Alžběta Dvořáková GAMU

About the programme

The Research Support Programme aims to enhance the quality and prestige of research work at MU, increasing the university’s success in obtaining prestigious international grants and stimulating innovative interdisciplinary research with high added value. The main selection criteria are the research excellence of the applicant and the quality of the submitted proposal.

HORIZONS - International Grants Arrangements

Support is intended for costs associated with the preparation of exceptionally prestigious and significant projects of international funding bodies (e.g., European Commission grants) to be submitted within 12 months of awarding the support. Funds may be used to cover travel and organizational costs (consortium meetings, proofreading, and consultancy).


• Grant proposals must be submitted to an international grant agency
• Grant proposals must be research-oriented
• The applicant/co-applicant must be a MU staff member and MU must be involved in the project as a (co-)applying institution
• In the case of a consortium project, the co-applicants and the call deadline must be indicated in the application
• The project must have clearly formulated objectives, an investigation strategy, and a dissemination plan for the results
• The project must have a provisional budget

MASH - MUNI Award in Science and Humanities

Aim of the programme:

  • To enliven the environment at MU by employing individuals with transformative potential.
  • Anchor top scientific teams at MU.


• ERC holder or R4 Senior Scientist, a scientist with an established reputation based on research excellence in their field
• They carry out their research independently and have the prerequisites for leading and implementing collaborative research projects in cooperation with other colleagues
• They publish papers as the lead author, organize workshops or conferences
• They have an innovative approach to research
• They are determined to develop their career professionally
• They act as a mentor for junior scientists


  • Announcement – November–February
  • Evaluation – March–June
  • Announcement of results – June
  • Final report – during the third year
MASH JUNIOR - MUNI Award in Science and Humanities JUNIOR

Aim of the programme:

  • To create conditions for exceptionally promising researchers shortly after Ph.D. to prepare for the submission of an application for a prestigious individual grant (GAČR JUNIOR STAR, ERC, or others

Candidate profile:

  • An eligible applicant is a junior scientist who has applied to the GACR JUNIOR STAR in the current year for MU and ranked in the top 20% of applicants but has not achieved GACR funding.


  • Announcement – November
  • Evaluation – Dezember
  • Implementation of projects: following the Decision, from 1 January.
CAREER RESTART - Support for Integration of Researchers After a Career Break

Aim of the proramme:

  • This grant scheme supports integration of researchers after a career break, for instance due to parental leave, into Masaryk University research teams.
  • The programme shall facilitate and speed up the return of young talented researchers to the productive academic career and increase their share in independent / leading research posts.


  • A researcher whose last employer before the career break was MU, and the aggregate workload at MU was at least 0.5 FTE (Ph.D. study equals to 0.6 FTE);
  • A researcher whose career was interrupted, for instance, due to parental leave;
  • A researcher who evidences the completion of Ph.D. studies;
  • A researcher who is an author (principal, corresponding or otherwise significant, depending on the field-specific standards) of at least one research publication indexed in a journal in the first quartile of the field in accordance with the impact factor of the Web of Science, or a comparable research output in fields not based on publications indexed in WoS.


  • Application: September/October
  • Evaluation: October/November
  • Duration: two years
MUNI SCIENTIST - Cena za vynikající výsledky výzkumu

Aim of the programme:

  • Prizes to researchers for their outstanding results and important deeds in research at Masaryk University
  • to strengthen the motivation of excellent researchers at the university
  • špromotion of MU reputation in the academic community and in the public.

The nomination is internal and is coordinated by the RMU Research Office. The nominations including reasoning may be submitted by (based on instructions by RMU Research Office).


Call schedule

Current calls are published in the News tab.


  • HORIZONS - throughout the year
  • MASH - November till December
  • MASH JUNIOR - November 
  • CAREER RESTART - September till November
  • MUNI SCIENTIST - October


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